About us

Our team, based at Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, is made up of Chartered Occupational Psychologists, experienced Organisational Development Practitioners, Knowledge and Library experts, trained teachers in leadership development, qualified coaches and specialists in culture change, team development and employee engagement.

TED first came about at Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust due to issues in levels of team satisfaction and engagement as measured through our annual staff survey approach. As an Organisational Development team, we found that we were also spending lots of time creating team development interventions which yielded limited results. We decided that we needed to do something different and this is when TED came about. We have been using the TED approach for over five years and it is firmly embedded as part of our organisational DNA. Over the five years we have seen yearly improvements in levels of team engagement as measured by the annual staff survey.


As a team, we take an evidence-based approach, and believe in developing sustainable, holistic solutions that deliver impact. We are practical people supporting colleagues working at the front line; we are team leaders and understand the challenges of effectively leading teams and balancing multiple conflicting priorities. This means we get it; we are flexible, responsive and take best practice research to create solutions that can be lived and breathed by our people – your colleagues.

In 2021, we were ‘spotted’ by colleagues in NHS England and NHS Improvement after they carried out an independent review into team engagement practices across the NHS. That is when they found us and asked if they could invest in the further development of the TED system in order to provide TED to other NHS organisations and support the delivery of aspects of the NHS People Plan. We said yes and here we are today!

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